And the GREATEST of these is LOVE

And the GREATEST of these is LOVE
Happy Valentines Day! Rememeber Gods love is the GREATEST LOVE of ALL! Thank you Lord!



Monday, May 5, 2008

When un important things keep me awake! What is up with THAT?!

Just some more resent photo's randomly picked because I didn't know what pics would go with what I wrote and a blog without pics...sorry, it is almost impossible for boring right?! =) Any are just a couple random pics. I think I will post at least a couple current ones each time, no matter what I write K! =) Love you guys!

so this happens a lot...See, I have a bad memory...I am actually not kidding when I say that I have a bad memory... Most of my friends/people I know remember details about things, that I can not even imagine remembering! I remember strange things and often with many holes... For example, last night I lay in bed picturing a place I had been...I could remember the porch, that there was an event of some kind (maybe a wedding?) that I was probably a teen, that there were children there running about. It was beautiful and old fashion in a way...but I was out of place. I do not think I knew the people who's occasion it was very well, if at all. I think I was with someone, maybe even my older sister? I can not see one face!!! I remember punch and I think it may have been a wedding, a small one, ...I can picture this place but not figure out who I was with or where I was at. I can remember how I felt better then what it was for or when it was.. It drove me crazy last night, as I tried to forget about it, or remember enough to put my wondering at ease... WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!! I very often feel that I have as many memory problems as any older person I have heard complain! It makes me wonder HOW I will cope if I also get older!? It really just rubbed me the wrong way last night to be bugged by this.. I believe that I started forgetting things when I was younger. I remember very little of some of my growing years if anything at all. I have to think and think... It has been a good thing in some ways in my life I am sure, but it also feels like a curse, that I must deal with. Any way...I guess since this morning I STILL can not figure this one out and feel no closer, I just HAD to vent a bit.
On another note. Church was as it always is. God moves there, He speaks to hearts and opens eyes and is always present to me there. He is always present to me in daily life, but sometimes at church although it is made for coming near to our Lord, I have felt distracted or too tired to remember things. I have not seen a day that is like that at Harvest. I have been nothing but blessed from my Savior, inspired, AND challenged! Nick and I both. Please pray for our church and that God would continue this great thing and that our hearts would remain open and ready to seek, to serve and to know His beauty! Pastor Joe said something simple that I really liked yesterday..."Let's not leave the same as when we got here. I am sure we all came in "good" people, maybe doing great, but let us not leave today unchanged. Let us not go out of this room the same people." He had been speaking on what God WILL do in us through the holy spirit and not doubting "the mind controlled by the spirit." in Romans 8:6... I don't know it is hard this week to really explain some of just what Joe did, but it was very eye opening... We read from Matthew 22:34-40 and John 14:25-28 Acts 2:38 and 39 and all of Romans 8 and how a couple verses in Romans 8 are happily used and left behind is sooo much more in the before parts of Romans 8. It is important to read the whole thing and not pick out parts we like and not look at the whole truth. This is just some of what "I" heard out of church yesterday, only SOME, and I am sure I am not even touching on the best parts, but one thing I also got out of it was this... In our own strength and through the mind of a sinful man, there is nothing but death. However God gave us His holy Spirit to be with us EVERYWHERE WE GO...He even says in John 16:5? I think it is, that "it is good for HIM to go. He will send the spirit of truth..." the holy spirit and instead of him being here on earth always and us going to him for healing and things, He said it was GOOD for HIM to GO!!! That He would give us the holy spirit! Gods ways are any I think I may have done the WORST job trying to explain this Sunday, but oh well. The point is there for you to read in His word and if you want to know what I am talking about, ask Him to show you and I know He will. Sorry I am not that clear. I just listened this Sunday, soaking it all up, as I had been having a hard start to my day and attitude ect... and usually I take notes, so maybe that is why I am having a hard time being more direct about what we learned. I am afraid of saying something wrong and twisting a beautiful truth, so I will pray that anyone who reads this will read what is only edifying and truth.
So yup, that hard start to my day the way...well since most of anyone that "I" know that would read this..are all girls.... let me explain for a laugh...
Nick and I have not been able to spend very much time together without all sorts of other things going on... it is really hard especially when his school or my work takes up our weekend and only real time to do things together not to mention all the people/family that you want to spend time with...something we are working on to be sure. ANY WAY.. I was not really that interested in what Nick was having to do for school yet again on our Saturday... but I DID know that I wanted to be with him! SO, I went out in upper park , out in the Field all day with him just giving he and our friend Griff water and watching them do a lot of things that I struggle to actually find interesting (I guess it was though if you wanted to any way... It was a VERY LONG DAY, in the direct sun in a dry field...doing (for me) nothing, and not being able to have a clue or WANT to know what the boys and their classmates (although a small group) were doing.. I guess had Nick not shown up with some of the experience that he has then the whole project would have been stuck. He is really such a great teacher and so kind and patient with people, I love watching that, and watching him explain things to others, he just never seems prideful either, another thing I love about him! well...We thought we would only be out there all morning, but we were actually out there all day!!! I put sunscreen on and still got BURNED! go figure! lol
or should I say...good thing I DID, because I STILL am sooo burned (Nick won't stop teasing me about wearing my white tank top everywhere...Do you know what that means? MY WHITE SKIN THAT LOOKS LIKE A PERMANENT TANK TOP!!! well...any way...SO this was Sat. then on Sunday morning, I woke up very sore and hot around the neck...Started "THAT TIME OF THE MONTH!!" AND we had begun our fast!!! not to mention that my back has been bad for a while now and not feeling any better with this time of the month...It will usually just flair up worse for a few days...SOooo, being on the fast, I couldn't take pain killers!!! It was really more then I could handle, Nick knows how hard it can be for me when I DO have pain we finally decided (Nick decided for us) that it would not be worth it with me photographing later, to be in pain where I could not walk and hungry and sunburned without any pain killers. so he took us to eat so I could take some pain pills. Today we are back on our fast for good. I do not have any big things to photograph until next week and that I can think of right now, so I should be able to handle this pain without way more drama then it is worth today.


Anonymous said...

Hey Moll,

I love your blog. Fun, fun! Hey.. theres so much hapening in my life right now (I honestly can't figure out why) but I just wanted to see if we could grab eachother sometime before I leave for Analene's? Maybeee... next week? How 'bout this weekend? No. I think I have something going on. Oh well! At least I'll see you on the 24th and the 25th! Hey, do you know if you're going to be able to make it to me graduation? Let me know as soon as ya find out sis. Than I can figure out what my plans will be for that day!
Hey, also... thank's for commenting on my blog! It's both fun and encouraging to read what you write! Love you!


Momma Bug said...

Dear dear Molly,
WoW! Were you making up for lost time with that last post?

I was glad to hear about your Sunday, sorry to hear about you sun BURN, and very glad that you are going to try out that fast!

Please type at, or call me to blab at me how it's going.
I know it's pretty yucky to drink that salt water, and I understand that the first few days (day two especially) can be very taxing on the emotions.

I know you're not doing this for me, but do something for me, and hang in there!
I really believe you will see some wonderful benefits if you go the full ten days - or longer, if you can.

I can't wait to try it myself, and will first thing after I wean Carolina. That probably won't be for a while yet, so then YOU can give ME all the pep talking!! ;-)

I love you! Thinking of Nick, as he makes the final big push! Yipee!!


The Diane Story said...


Boy sweetie, you've got a lot going on and I miss you greatly. Hopefully we can hang out again soon. I am praying for you. Call me if ya need to talk. Keep in touch. I miss you bad!