And the GREATEST of these is LOVE

And the GREATEST of these is LOVE
Happy Valentines Day! Rememeber Gods love is the GREATEST LOVE of ALL! Thank you Lord!



Sunday, November 30, 2008

More info and GREAT news from Aunt Sonja!!! (about Grandma)

Mary celebrated her 93rd birthday this afternoon and then this evening Gary and Carole rushed her to the emergency room at Kaiser Hospital because she was having difficulty breathing and the inhalator didn't seem to help.
The first doctor who examined her said she had a severe case of pneumonia with a fever of 103 together with some congestive heart failure. He felt she would need to go on the fibrilator within the hour or she could possibly die within 24 hours. The doctor who will be her intern while at Kaiser wasn't quite so negative. He felt her main problem was congestive heart failure and that the fluids around her heart (lungs?) was giving the appearance of pneumonia. There's still a possibility Mary will go on the fibrilator until her other problems improve, but her whole health situation doesn't seem to be as critical as the first doctor led us to believe. As a matter of fact, her intern said that the tests done for her blood gases showed improvement even during the hour she was in emergency.
She's not out of the woods though. Right now Mary is in ICU at Kaiser and could use all of our prayers for God to heal her and strengthen her and bring her home again.
Thank you...thank you...thank you. I'll keep you posted on any changes in her condition.


Diane said...

I am praying love. Call my cell on Monday. I miss you! Love you so much.

Uncle and Auntie Hightower <>< said...

I can't!!! I lost my cell with YOUR CELL NUMBER!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!
Will you call me on the home line and give me your number? Love you love!