So I had a Bridal Fair
(this is for you Diane! Short though because I have to scram out of town here pretty quick for that you girl)
Jen and I had a Bridal fair to do in Red Bluff on Sunday...ALL DAY... It was a rough day that seemed to stay rough (aside from our work, that all went well) It actually was all ME and became pretty funny for us girls to laugh about...
I lost my vita water in a mean way if you can guess what I mean.... right as we were going to get on the road...I was great, then turned pale and went for the door... I was no longer ok lets just say.. We were still very close to my house and so I told Jen "TAKE ME HOME TO GET TONIC WATER IT IS THE ONLY WAY I AM GOING TO BE OK!" She did and I went home and ....OF COURSE the trusty Tonic water that we always keep on hand...NOT THERE...ALL OUT!
Jen took me to the store so I could run in for some Tonic water...the only thing EVER that can keep you from throwing up pretty much no matter what from my experience. If you ever
ANY WAY... I get in the car and open one of the bottles I got...IT GOES ALL OVER ME, UP MY SLEEVES AND ALL OVER MY SIDE OF THE CAR! Jen was so cool about it! But I just looked at her like "JEN!....WHAT NEXT!!!! GOOD GRIEF!"
We laughed about it once I could and then I will skip ALL the things that day and get to the biggest one...we got to the fair grounds where our show was at....Jen still needed to pick out a shirt...So we got all set up and ready to go and headed for the COLD bathroom...
There was a spot for dressing/showering (STILL SO FAIR GROUND COZY) well....Jen and I were deciding what she should wear when a GUSH...(AND FOLKS...I mean a GUSH) of wind blew in one of the long windows over my head...KNOCKING IT OUT!!!!!!!! It swung down held on by one hinge and missed my head by almost nothing! EVERYONE was a little shook up and Thankfully all I got was a very wet foot from the splash of dirty water that flew in with the busted out window! A few of us ladies seeing this as the massive hazard that it was...and finding no one to take care of it that worked there...took packing tape and made sure that scary ugly window would not go anywhere....or we hoped... Jen and I laugh now, but it really is amazing that it missed me...had I gotten up a moment to soon or later, that sharp ugly metal windows edge along with more force then I have seen in a while..would have surely taken ME OUT! lol
goodness..THANK YOU LORD!
Well, pretty much the whole day in one way or another was like that for me...
I got through the show and was able to eat something even though I was feeling sick again....
Jen and I are
we did take pictures for the person putting on the event/show...but those are still on our pro cameras at the moment. I only took one or two quick pics with my pocket one, that were for no particular reason, but I will put one or two on here any way...I don't think that the pics show the booth, only one or two things IN it, to remind myself of how I set up the lighting I think? Any way..sorry..maybe some better ones for ya next time...I was not even thinking about putting them on
Sooo, I get in the car and
I felt weird all day
Wow! And I mean WOW!
Glad you're alright:-)
I'm looking forward to hearing how your conference went.
Love you!
Man Miss Molly, what an insane day! I hope today went better for you. Love ya.
I am afraid to ask...
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